NFP Natural Family Planning with the fertility tracker Daysy
Get to know your cycle through natural family planning
If you too are among the women who want to track your menstrual cycle the natural way, we have good news for you: Natural family planning with Daysy offers you many advantages and absolutely no disadvantages. Daysy tells you when you are fertile and when you are not - everything in harmony with your body.
The basic idea behind NFP is that you are only fertile on a few days of the month: the day of ovulation and up to five days before that. During the remaining days you are not fertile.
NFP: How to calculate your fertile days
Most women do not know when they are ovulating. And even if they can feel when their body is ovulating, it is already too late, because they could also have gotten pregnant during five days before that day. In order to determine when the fertile days begin, different calculations have to be made. An important clue to the timing of ovulation is the development of your morning basal temperature over the course of your cycle. The rise in your basal temperature indicates ovulation. Taking your temperature every morning and recording it in a table should give you a good overview of your individual temperature curve after approximately three months.
Natural Family Planning
Does that strike you as complicated and rather unsafe? Because it is! In order to be "safe", you additionally have to measure levels of LH-hormone in your morning urine and record and evaluate these values. As a third step, you should also examine the condition of your cervical mucus on a daily basis and record and evaluate these data as well. After three to four months of practice, the combination of these three values will give you a good indication of when to expect your ovulation.
Are you wondering where to take the time and nerve for such a complicated procedure? This is where our solution for your natural family planning comes in: Daysy. Daysy takes the workload off your shoulders and calculates your fertile days for you. Simple, quick and reliable.
Daysy makes NFP (Natural Family Planning) fast and accurate
With Daysy you can enjoy the advantages of NFP's natural family planning without complicated calculations. Just take the basal temperature under your tongue every morning before getting out of bed and let Daysy know whether you are currently on your period. Daysy then immediately display to you whether you are in your fertile window or not. Natural family planning does not get any easier than that!
Why is Daysy this simple and accurate? The basis for its accuracy in determining your fertile days lies in its large database: Daysy makes its calculations based on 5 million female cycles and uses software that contains the knowledge developed from 30 years of research and studies. You can start using Daysy during any day of your cycle and do not need to wait for it to get to know you. Daysy is accurate from day one.
Daysy combines natural family planning with easy and uncomplicated handling. Enjoy a natural method and get to know your body better with NFP and Daysy.
Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
269.00 EUR
299.00 EUR
Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.