Get to know your body and your cycle better with Daysy!
Do you want to know when you are ovulating to increase your chances for a pregnancy? To accurately determine the time of your ovulation without additional help is not that easy. Even though your body gives you a number of clues regarding the progression of your cycle, you still have to invest a lot of time if you want to predict the day of your ovulation from these signals. To plan a pregnancy, the first thing to know is that you are not only fertile on the day of ovulation, but already five days before. That is because sperm can survive in your uterus or the fallopian tubes for up to 5 days while waiting for the egg. This means that in order to use your entire fertile period, you have to know five days prior to ovulating when it is going to happen.
Calculating ovulation with the temperature curve and cervical mucus
In natural family planning, two methods are combined to predict the timing of ovulation as precisely as possible. You first need a thermometer that measures with an accuracy of two digits after the decimal point. Conventional thermometers are usually not suitable because they are not precise enough. With this thermometer you now have to take your basal temperature every morning at the same time before you get out of bed. In order for the results to be as accurate as possible, anal or vaginal measurement for a minimum of three minutes is recommended. The measured data need to be recorded in a diagram and can later be evaluated using a set of rules. With very regular cycles and a little bit of practice, you can calculate the timing of your ovulation based on your temperature curve after a couple of months. The result will, however, not be particularly accurate yet.
To receive a more precise result, you should additionally observe your cervical mucus. If it shows a clear change in consistency and colour, it is very likely that ovulation is due soon. Both of these methods combined offer you a lot of interesting insights into the course of your cycle and can help you to narrow down the period of your fertile days. But unfortunately, they also require a lot of time and practice.
Calculating your ovulation date with the fertility tracker Daysy is simpler, faster and more accurate!
You want to calculate your ovulation? Daysy helps you with that!
Daysy is a modern fertility computer with a highly sensitive test prod that calculates your fertility based on your morning basal temperature. It works simple and fast: All you need to do is take your temperature prior to getting up in the morning. Measure underneath the tongue using Daysy for just 30 to a maximum of 60 seconds and confirm after a signal whether you are currently on your period. That’s it, you’re done! Directly after measuring, Daysy displays to you whether or not you will be fertile during the next 24 hours. This way you can comfortably make use of each one of your fertile days in order to get pregnant as soon as possible, but without having to do complicated calculations yourself. If you want to plan even better, you can additionally use Daysy's app "DaysyDay". It displays your temperature curve, your cycle calendar and a practical preview of your fertility during the next month. This way, you will know in advance when to make sure you get to spend time with your partner.
Daysy offers you high accuracy in calculating your fertile and infertile days. This is made possible by Daysy‘s sophisticated algorithm and data from five million evaluated female cycles. 30 years of research and studies have gone into Daysy, and it has already proven itself thousands of times.
Use Daysy to calculate your ovulation date and get to know your body better. You can help your plan for a baby along with natural methods just by knowing your ovulation date, because pregnancy is all about the right timing!
Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
269.00 EUR
299.00 EUR
Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.
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